The Truth About McDonalds

I use to eat at McDonalds daily. Burgers were my life, you could even say that for me back then burgers were love, burgers were life but only non-sexually, no homo.
Our story starts when I was ten years old, back in the 90s. I was a 90s kid with classic 90s pimp shit. We went to McDonalds, which was

da bomb

back then if I'm correct. We ordered our food, and waited. This was back when Mc Pizza was on the menu. I was always curious about their pizza. As a place that specialised in burgers and nothing more, how they found time for pizzas was a mystery. I decided to investigate. After telling my parents I was going to the bathroom, I stealthed my way to the back room. I leveled up, and that was a good sign. Seeing a corridor, I grabbed my homemade dildo flashlight, flicked the tip, and it switched on. I continued down, seeing pictures on the wall of Ronald McBoogerballs (as he was called back then, like I said, pimp ass shit), but they got weirder and weirder as I progressed down the corridor. There was now hyper-realistic blood on his face and his crotch, spooky skeletons, and fat people twerking. Nightmare fuel. I reached the end, and there was a door with a sign written in hyper-realistic blood ''PIZZA INGREDIENTS''. I went in, and I was shocked;
I found the Five Night's At Freddy's animatronics. Gabe Newel was sitting on a throne at the back, laughing. He spoke, in a really smexy yet threatning voice, and said to me:
"Hi, and welcome to Mc Pizza. After 9 years in development, hopefully it would've been worth the wait. My favorite animatronic is Bonnie. Have fun!"
And with that, Freddy rushed at me with his large cock, and I'm died. So that's how the pizzas were made; Freddy Fazebear's Pizzarea was inside McDonalds before it became a stand alone resteraunt. Now there you have it.